The Inspector General Kenya National Police service has announced significant changes in the top leadership of the police affecting the Nairobi Regional Police Commander Adamson Bungei and police spokesperson Dr. Ressilah Anyango. During the announcement, the Inspector General said those were routine reshuffle within the police and its a normal procedure.
In the changes, Adamson Bungei who was the Nairobi Regional Police commander was moved to be the new Director of operation police headquarters while the former police spokesperson Dr. Ressilah Anyango was moved to be the Kenya Police Diplomatic Unit. also affected were; Rosemary Sipatani who was moved fromDirector Human Capital development to Director National Forensic Laboratories at the DCI headquarters Kiambu road.
The county Police Commander Kwale was also promoted to be regional police commander Coast Region to deal with rising cases of robbery in the region. The former regional police commander coast region was moved to Nairobi to replace Adamson Bungei.
For more details on the changes, we have attached the full list here for your information.
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